Effective communication is a very important part of human interaction. Effective communication includes listening and talking carefully. I think effective communication is very important, because it trains us to be a better listener and a better talker, which make effects people's relationship. Good communication is to express information clearly and to get others information right.
Effective communication is really good for people to know about things, and by doing that, it's making less confusion. Less confusion makes people know about each other and what they are talking, and then the relationship will be better, and people will be more socialized.
To communicate with people are not just verbally, but also nonverbally. Both are important, to communicate verbally is to send message by talking, or making voice. To communicate nonverbally is to express the message by writing it down, or showing words, or like pictures.
Effective communicator is to express the message well by speaking and listening. To be a good listener, you have to listen carefully, and split the things people say and understands it. Also to reply the person that is talking to you when needed. To be a good speaker, you have to talk clearly so that people can understand, and maybe do some body languages or some tone changing so people know like when it's strong, important, and when it's not.
Effective communicators builds a great team, and so listening and talking carefully is very important.